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Chess and Football : Let's Learn ____________________ ! There was a time when , in both ____________________ and chess , England was No 1 . China has ____________________ well to both ____________________ , and should be a world force in both ____________________ you are 45 . ____________________ , you must wait . And you know how hard you find it to wait ? for even ten ____________________ ! England , ____________________ , ____________________ failed ____________________ in the second sphere . The ____________________ time for chess in England , as in so much else , was from about 1965 to 1980 . 1980 ____________________ . . . We used to say : ? There will always be an ____________________ ! ' Now ? ____________________ ask ( and ____________________ as well ! ) ? There will always be a Liverpool ? ' And : ? There will always be a Manchester United' ? ' It's not so sure ! England today is where China was in the days of your great - ____________________ . Do not worry about English . Worry about England . You need a place to ____________________ of and go to and to speak of , and in . ____________________ . Study . Maybe , above all ? pray ! When I was ____________________ , one of the world's top chess players came from ____________________ . He was my age . This was ____________________ Harry Potter . Maybe he ____________________ a bit like Harry Potter , ____________________ his hair was a lot longer . He contributed to Chess Theory ; and has ? sadly ? passed away now . Quite young . Tony Miles . He was just over 45 . ____________________ to say , he beat me when we were both eleven . ? Shall we ____________________ on paper ? ' he asked me ? when our schcool ____________________ interfered with ____________________ our game . We did ; he won in five minutes and went on to world glory and an early death . I ? no chess player ? am still here . We can ____________________ Tony Miles and ask ____________________ if he maybe has ____________________ to tell us today . . . Football was ____________________ in England , but chess was ____________________ in India . It ____________________ to Iran in the 7th ____________________ as shatranj , and the earliest ____________________ involved a piece called the ____________________ . The ____________________ was called the ____________________ . Originally Kings did not face each other . ____________________ is still called ? shadraki' in ____________________ and ? shakhmat' in ____________________ . 'Check' means the King is in ____________________ and ? Mate' means he has been killed and the game is over . Chess is to ____________________ what Mahjong is to Asia . You have Rice , we have ____________________ . You have the ____________________ , we have the ____________________ . You have Mahjong ? but we have Chess . And you do not have Breakfast . And ____________________ General ____________________ ? in the film about aliens ? Arrival ? which we shall study ? used Mahjong to try and ____________________ with the ____________________ ? and he failed ! Only Louise , the ____________________ , managed : she saved him ; and at the same time ? she saved the world from a nuclear ____________________ . Maybe you will do it next time . To be clear ? she did this with chess ; she did it with strategy . And strategy is the subject of today's fifth and final ____________________ Lecture . In Chinese it is ____________________ ? Qi' .