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1. Equal Justice
2. Procedural Due Process
3. Substantive Due Process
4. Presumption of innocence
5. Adversary System

D- All people must be treated equally by the law

D- A courtroom has two sides, the defense and the prosecution

D- You are innocent until proven guilty

D- The substance that makes up a law must be fair

S- A cop receives a report that a student at Dundalk spray painted the sign outside, the police officer forces the student to clean it up without a trial

S-The judge treated the man differently due to the color of his skin.

A- Even though Mr. Soehner could not afford a lawyer for court, they provided him one

D- The government must follow certain steps or procedures when charging you with a crime.

S- The government passes a law making it illegal to criticize the government

S- The man was no given a trial before being put in jail.