New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
David Lean's ? Brief ____________________ ? captures ____________________ at its most ____________________ . It depicts the emotional ____________________ between two ____________________ - aged ____________________ people ____________________ enough to know their ____________________ is ____________________ but too ____________________ to ____________________ themselves , like they're witnessing the ____________________ , most beautiful ____________________ crash in ____________________ . ____________________ Laura Jesson ( Celia Johnson ) and ____________________ Dr . Alec Harvey ( Trevor Howard ) move ____________________ in the ____________________ of British ____________________ , hiding their ____________________ from their ____________________ and the ____________________ society , ____________________ to hold on to each other for as ____________________ as they ____________________ until the ____________________ happens . They are just two ____________________ people who live ____________________ lives , but for a ____________________ period of ____________________ , the two of them stand on the ____________________ of something ____________________ . Every ____________________ , Laura takes the ____________________ to the nearby ____________________ of ____________________ to ____________________ and go see a ____________________ matinee . One day on her return trip ____________________ , she accidentally gets ____________________ in her ____________________ and jumps into the Milford railway station ____________________ room to try to get it ____________________ , only for Dr . ____________________ to come to her ____________________ . The two of them ____________________ ways thinking ____________________ of their chance ____________________ , but after that ____________________ and ____________________ keep accidentally ____________________ into each ____________________ . Finally , the two have ____________________ and catch a ____________________ together , and by the end of their ____________________ date , Alec wants to meet up again ____________________ week . Soon their ____________________ relationship develops into ____________________ much ____________________ and more ____________________ as the two ____________________ to each ____________________ that they're in ____________________ . Eventually , Laura starts ____________________ to her ____________________ and ____________________ , and after an ____________________ brush with complete ____________________ , the two decide to ____________________ their ____________________ knowing that they can ____________________ be ____________________ . Adapted from the Noel Coward play Still ____________________ , ? Brief Encounter ? tells a ____________________ love story , but it's the ____________________ Lean ____________________ Laura and Alec's ____________________ affair that ____________________ the film to ____________________ heights . Lean follows Coward's ____________________ and ____________________ the film's settings mostly to ____________________ confined ____________________ ? train ____________________ , refreshment ____________________ , movie ____________________ , narrow ____________________ ? and occasionally an empty ____________________ space , like the quiet ____________________ overlooking a small ____________________ in the ____________________ , so as to create the ____________________ that Laura and Alec's ____________________ is ____________________ from ____________________ and ____________________ . Lean treats these ____________________ like they're ____________________ ____________________ on life's ____________________ , ____________________ places you can ____________________ occupy before ____________________ to ____________________ . Lean also makes sure to depict their love's ____________________ gradual ____________________ , beginning with ____________________ encounters and ____________________ glances , moving up to ____________________ jokes and ____________________ conversations , and finally ____________________ in bold ____________________ and passionate ____________________ . But even more importantly , Lean depicts their ____________________ as ____________________ .