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Play Matching Game
1. Mutations
2. Genetic Drift
3. Gene Flow
4. Natural Selection
5. Sexual Selection

Sexual Selection: When individuals select mates based on heritable traits

Genetic Drift: Random change in allele frequency caused by a series of chance occurrences that cause an allele to become more or less common in a population

Mutation:Change in the DNA base

Bobo, the class rat, only chooses to mate with the female rat who can steal and bring him the most candy from the science classrooms

A hurricane passes through a small island killing half the population of black mice and half the population of brown mice

Elephants travel hundreds of miles to find water, once they find water they will settle into the area and mate with other elephants native to that area

Natural Selection: Process by which organisms that are most suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully (Survival of the fittest)

In the desert, the brown snake population thrives while the green snake population is dangerously low

The offspring of some hummingbirds have a mutation that changes the structure of their beaks

Gene Flow: The movement of genes into or out of a population