New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Recovery Run
2. Base Run
3. Long Run
4. Progression Run
5. Fartlek Run
6. Hill Repeats
7. Tempo Run
8. Intervals

undertaken at a runner’s natural pace

function is to increase raw endurance

begins at a runner’s natural pace and ends with a faster segment

safe way to introduce harder high-intensity training

repeated shorter segments of fast running separated by slow jogging or standing recoveries

a sustained effort at lactate threshold intensity

format enables a runner to pack more fast running into a single workout

stimulate big improvements in aerobic capacity, endurance, and running economy

do as slowly as necessary

intended to be moderately challenging

good way to begin the process of developing efficiency and fatigue resistance

typically done at the end of the base-building period

mixes in intervals of varying duration or distance

are best done as the next run after a hard workout

lasts long enough to leave a runner moderately to severely fatigued

serve to increase the speed you can sustain for a prolonged period