New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
. . . ____________________ from all ____________________ landing sites ____________________ this ____________________ . Hold on , we are just ____________________ . . . I'm being ____________________ we're going to ____________________ this ____________________ to tell you ____________________ news . . . . . . ____________________ has called an ____________________ press ____________________ . . . General ____________________ , commander in chief of the ____________________ ____________________ Army , has announced in an emergency press ____________________ that ____________________ is standing ____________________ . . . . all ____________________ they've ____________________ Scientists from around the ____________________ are sifting through ____________________ received from the ____________________ , ____________________ , Sierra Leone and ____________________ . . . . the information they have ____________________ from ____________________ of their ____________________ sites . . . Also ____________________ it to be one of the ____________________ pieces of this ____________________ that is being ____________________ put ____________________ . So , Hannah , this is where your story ____________________ . The day they ____________________ . You all right ? Despite knowing the ____________________ and where it ____________________ , I ____________________ it . And I ____________________ every ____________________ of it . Ooh ! Ah ! Ooh ! H - a - n - n - a - h . Now backward . H . . . . . . a - n - n - a - h ! ____________________ ! You ready , baby ? Hi ! Don't worry . See you . Daddy ! You okay ? Are you ready ? Oh , guess what ? ____________________ stuff ! Ian ? Yeah ? If you ____________________ ____________________ your ____________________ life from start to ____________________ , would you ____________________ things ? Maybe I'd say what I ____________________ more ____________________ . I . . . I don't know . You ____________________ , I've had my ____________________ tilted up to the ____________________ for as long as I can ____________________ . You know what ____________________ me the ____________________ ? It wasn't meeting ____________________ . It was meeting ____________________ . I forgot how ____________________ it felt to be ____________________ by ____________________ . You ____________________ make a ____________________ ? Yes . ____________________ .