New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Is it anything ____________________ , Matthew ? ____________________ you , ____________________ . I don't ____________________ . Bless you too , ____________________ . To be sure , we have some holy ____________________ in ____________________ . Oh , ____________________ some . Brother ____________________ . Man's a ____________________ . It's from ____________________ ____________________ . What's he ____________________ ? ____________________ . When ? ____________________ . In Hampton ____________________ ? You won't be there by ____________________ . The ____________________ business . ____________________ business . Mistress Anne ____________________ ____________________ . Well , it's all the ____________________ business . That's very ____________________ . And when the Cardinal ____________________ , you all come ____________________ , day or ____________________ . What ____________________ the man ? A ____________________ son . ____________________ of England , ____________________ . No , that's his ____________________ . What's the ____________________ ? Surely , Your Grace , when a man rises so ____________________ and so ____________________ . . . . . . we must think he was ____________________ in his ____________________ . That , at least , was the opinion of ____________________ and . . . A ____________________ son and ____________________ it . His ____________________ , yes , I give you his ____________________ . What was that you said , ____________________ ? Nothing , Sir ____________________ , it was out of ____________________ . And Wolsey's ____________________ a butcher . And you're a ____________________ of the King's High ____________________ , not an errand ____________________ . That is why I must ____________________ . The Duke would ____________________ if the Cardinal ____________________ him . I ____________________ . I'll be back for ____________________ . Go to ____________________ . " Dear Lord , give us ____________________ tonight , or if we must be ____________________ , ____________________ . " Careful only for our soul's ____________________ . For Christ's sake . ____________________ . " And bless our ____________________ , the ____________________ . And bless our ____________________ , the ____________________ . Amen !