New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
T - minus ____________________ minutes to ____________________ access . T - minus ____________________ minutes to ____________________ access . T - minus ____________________ minutes to ____________________ access . T - minus ____________________ minutes to shell ____________________ . What's that ____________________ ? A visual ____________________ . Look , I'm ____________________ gonna be able to ____________________ their ____________________ , if they are ____________________ , but they might have some sort of ____________________ ____________________ or basis for visual ____________________ . Okay . Let's get ____________________ . Human . " ____________________ . " I'm ____________________ . ____________________ are you ? ____________________ . Oh my god ! Are you ____________________ this ? Yes , sir ! It's ____________________ back to base ____________________ . Louise , that's ____________________ . Human . Human . Human . Okay , ____________________ down now . Slow ____________________ . I don't wanna take ____________________ from your ____________________ in there , but Dr . ____________________ , is this ____________________ the right ____________________ ? Trying to ____________________ them how to ____________________ and ____________________ ? That's gotta take ____________________ . You're ____________________ . It's ____________________ . Everything you ____________________ in ____________________ , I have to ____________________ to a ____________________ full of ____________________ whose first and last ____________________ is . . . How can this be used ____________________ us ? So you're gonna have to give me ____________________ than ____________________ . ____________________ . What is that ? In 1770 , Captain James ____________________ ____________________ ran aground off the ____________________ of ____________________ , and he led a ____________________ into the ____________________ , and they met the ____________________ people . One of the ____________________ pointed at the ____________________ that hop around and put their ____________________ in their ____________________ , and he asked what they ____________________ , and the aborigine said , ____________________ . And the ____________________ is ? It wasn't till ____________________ that they learned that ____________________ means i don't ____________________ . So , I need this so that we don't ____________________ things in ____________________ . Otherwise , this is gonna take ____________________ times as ____________________ . I can ____________________ that for ____________________ . But I need you to ____________________ your ____________________ words before the ____________________ session . Fair . And ____________________ what happened to the ____________________ . A more ____________________ race nearly ____________________ them ____________________ . It's a ____________________ story . ____________________ . It's not ____________________ . But it proves my ____________________ .