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1 A protein structure that surrounds living cells, giving them structure and adhesiveness within themselves and to adjacent tissue
2 The phenomenon in which food continues to cook after it has been removed from the heat source as the heat is distributed more evenly from the outer to the inner portion of the food.
3 The USDA standards for beef, veal, lamb, and mutton
4 The large cuts of an animal carcass, which are further divided into retail cuts
5 The liver, sweetbreads (thymus), brain, kidneys, heart, tongue, tripe (stomach lining), and oxtail (tail of cattle)
6 From the Latin for "stiffness of death," the temporary stiff state following death as muscles contract
7 Flavor compounds consisting of nonprotein, nitrogen subtances that are end-products of protein metabolism
8 The amount of lean meat on the carcass in proportion to fat, bone, and other ingredient parts
9 To remove the entrails from the body cavity
10 An invertebrate animal with a segmented body covered by an exoskeleton consisting of a hard upper shell and a soft under shell
11 Smaller cuts of meat obtained from wholesale cuts and sold to the consumer
12 Large sheets of very thin connective tissue separating the myotomes
13 Fat deposited in the muscle that can be seen as little white streaks or drops
14 Layers of short fibers in fish muscle
15 A pearly white, tough, and fibrous protein that provides support to muscle and prevents it from over stretching. It is the primary protein in connective tissue
16 Fish that have fins and internal skeleton
17 Cooking that exposes a meat cut to very high initial temperatures; this is intended to seal the pores, increase flavor, and enhance color by browning
18 Tying thin sheets of fat or bacon over lean meat to keep the meat moist during roasting. The sheets of fat are often removed before serving
19 An invertebrate animal with a soft, unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell
20 A crustacean found in Italy and not generally available in North America. The term is often used incorrectly to describe a popular shrimp dish
21 Japanese for "minced meat," a fabricated fish product usually made from Alaskan pollack, a deepsea whitefish, which is skinned, deboned, minced, washed, strained, and shaped into pieces to resemble crab, shrimp, or scalops
22 The separation of fish flesh into flakes that occurs as teh steak or fillet ages
23 Inserting strips of bacon, salt pork, or other fat into slits in the meat with a large needle
24 To tie the legs and wings against the body of the bird to prevent them from overcooking before the breast is done. It is also for presentation purposes.
25 Holding meat after slaughter to improve texture and tenderness. A ripening that occurs when carcasses are hung in refrigeration units for longer periods than that required for teh reversal of rigor mortis
26 A universal energy compound in cells obtained from the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, or protein. The energy of this compound, which is located in high-energy phosphate bonds, fuels chemical work at the cellular level. (Please enter into the puzzle as an acronym)