New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. PEM
2. P7B
3. CER
4. DER
5. P12PFX

Server cert, cert chain, keys, CRL

Format: Binary

Can contain: certs, cert chains, private keys

Format: CER or DER

Common Extensions: .p7b / .p7c

Common Use: To share public key

Purpose: ASCII certs

Format: ASCII

Format: DER

Common Extensions: .p12 / .pfx

Format: Binary (CER)

Purpose: Binary certs

Common Purpose: Used to store private keys with certificate

Can contain: certs, cert chains, CRL, NEVER private key

Common Extensions: .der

Purpose: Almost any cert purpose

Used on Windows Systems

Extensions: .pem .cer .crt .key

Common Extensions: .cer