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Its name was Prussia. the Chancellor of this country was Bizmark


It was the most powerful country in europe in the 19th centrury. Germany took from this country the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine


It was a backward nation, very weak, poor, behind in technology but extremely ambitious. She had three ambitions: conquer China, win an oulet of the Persian Gulf and gain control of the straits of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean


A ramshakle empire: inhabited by different races, speaking different languages and quarrelling with one another Its emperor Frances Joseph was afraid that Serbia enourage the Southern Slavs to rebel.


A muslim country. She lost much of the European territory but wanted to keep what she still had by terrorizing its inhabitants. Its inhabitants wanted to drive out the terrorist Turks.


Its empire covered one fifth of the land of the world and hoped to expand even more. Its main concern was to protect what she already had with her the strongest navy in the world.


She was wanted by Germany, Russia, and Britain. It was extremely rich in raw material