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1. St. Maximilian Kolbe
2. St. Edith Stein
3. Padre Pio
4. Louis and Zelie Martin
5. Mother Teresa
6. St. John the Baptist
7. St. Augustine of Hippo
8. Sts. Cosmas and Damian
9. St. Peter Claver
10. St. John Chrysostom

Italian priest whose body is incorrupt

Said "He must increase; I must decrease."

doctors, but not of the Church


Doctor of the Church

First married couple to be canonized together

Famous for his preaching

Founded a religious order to serve "the poorest of the poor"

Had the stigmata and could read souls

Known for her intelligence

Last name means "golden mouth"

Made many sinful choices and followed a false religion before finally becoming one of the greatest saints the Church has ever known

Founded the Missionaries of Charity

Born Jewish, became an atheist, became a nun, then died in a concentration camp

made himself "the slave of the slaves forever"

Parents of St. Therese of Lisieux

Said "I'm a pencil in the hand of God."

Sacrifice his life to save another man in a concentration camp

Was martyred by King Herod by beheading.

patron saint of enslaved people


Bishop and Doctor of the Church