New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Caber Tossing
2. Octopush
3. Korfball
4. Bossaball

This sport is played on an inflatable field that has a net in the middle and a circular trampoline on each side of the net.

The players have to take a soccer ball and throw it into a basket to score.

This sport combines volleyball, soccer, gymnastics, and capoeira.

Participants must as strong as lions!

Teams can be made up of men and women.

Players have to kick the ball as if they were playing soccer, while listening to music and performing capoeira movements.

This is a Scottish sport where participants run a short distance and throw a heavy log.

This sport is a combination of soccer, handball, and basketball.

The caber, or log, has a length of 5 to 6 meters and weighs between 45 to 80 kg.

This sport is a kind of underwater hockey.

Players use a small stick to push a puck into the opposite team's goal.

Players wear a diving mask, a snorkel, a thick glove, and large fins.