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The ____________________ accelerated its push to study ____________________ after Chinese ____________________ said Jan . 9 that they had ____________________ the source of the ____________________ as a ____________________ , a family of ____________________ common in ____________________ that can cause severe respiratory illness when ____________________ to humans . ____________________ ____________________ remdesivir several years ago and first ____________________ it to treat Ebola , a virus that has ____________________ parts of eastern and central ____________________ . The ____________________ was less ____________________ than rival drugs in a study of ____________________ patients in ____________________ last year . Yet ____________________ had reason to think remdesivir might work in ____________________ . Company researchers working with ____________________ scientists found that remdesivir was effective in treating ____________________ infected with another ____________________ known as Middle ____________________ respiratory ____________________ , or ____________________ . The work was partially funded with $3 . 8 ____________________ in grants from the ____________________ Institutes of ____________________ . The mice studies were far from definitive but suggested the drug had promise against the new coronavirus . The ____________________ were published in the journal ____________________ Communications on ____________________ . 10 . ? The attention level went up ____________________ when we found out it was a ____________________ , and that was the turning point , ? Dr . Parsey says . ? That's when we got ____________________ and formed a ____________________ across the company to see what we could do here . ? Gilead was soon exchanging information about the virus with officials from the ____________________ Center for Disease ____________________ and ____________________ , the World Health ____________________ and the U . S . Centers for ____________________ Control and Prevention . They discussed how to determine if remdesivir might be ____________________ at treating the outbreak . By Jan . 20 , ____________________ was in talks with Beijing ____________________ Cao Bin , a prominent researcher deployed to ____________________ to help lead the medical care of patients . With input from the U . S . ____________________ and Drug ____________________ and the WHO , Gilead worked with Dr . Cao's team to ____________________ the ____________________ , says Gilead's Diana Brainard , senior vice president for HIV and ____________________ viral ____________________ . The trials are being conducted at several ____________________ in Wuhan , according to Chinese ____________________ reports . Last week , Gilead shipped the last batch of ____________________ needed to supply the two studies , the first in ____________________ with mild - to - moderate disease and the second in patients with severe disease . The studies are expected to be completed in early ____________________ . ? We're all tracking the number of ____________________ and ____________________ , and we really want to help , ? says Dr . Brainard . The ____________________ ? coronavirus response team ? now numbers about 100 ____________________ across the company and includes ____________________ from all major departments . Gilead employees in the U . S . , along with many of the 400 employees it has in ____________________ and ____________________ , have worked hundreds of extra hours since the ____________________ began , juggling 3 a . m . ____________________ calls , late - night ____________________ messages and 7 a . m . office ____________________ to keep up with ____________________ in different time ____________________ , Dr . Brainard ____________________ .