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Play Matching Game
1. deadly- The Spanish Influenza was a deadly disease.
2. weakness- They didn’t want to reveal their weakness to their enemies.
3. drafted- Some soldiers were drafted and had to go.
4. warring- The U.S. joined the other warring nations and sent soldiers to fight.
5. reinforce- The new soldiers will reinforce the French army.
6. sporadic- The sporadic fighting continued for many years.
7. global- The flu is a global disease that affects everyone.
8. invaded- Germany invaded France.
9. ended- The war ended in 1918.
10. reveal
11. courteous
12. equality

strength- Using their strength, the team won the game.

mild- Even though her fever was mild, she stayed home from school.

flaw- My flaw is that I like cookies too much and I eat them a lot.

volunteered- Some soldiers didn’t wait to be asked but volunteered to go.

frequent- The frequent rain made the plants grow quickly.

fatal- It was a fatal accident, and the cat died.

overrun- Our house was overrun by mice, so we got a cat.

weaken- The flu weakened the army, and they couldn’t fight as well.

stopped- The movie was stopped in the middle because the power went out.

started- The class started when the bell rang.

sign up- She made me sign up to help at lunch, but I don’t want to.

battling- The battling lions fought each other for the kill.


surrendered- When I knew I couldn’t win the fight, I surrendered.




neutral- While her friends were arguing, she remained neutral and tried to help them stop.

random- I never know when the bird will fly by my window because it’s very random.


local- Our local newspaper writes about things that happen here.

worldwide- Poverty is a worldwide problem.

support- I will support you and help you.
