New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Rectus of Abdominis
2. Levator Ani
3. Infraspinatus
4. Pectoralis Minor
5. Vastus Lateralis
6. Piriformis
7. Trunk
8. Upper Limb
9. Lower Limb

intersects with the humerus bone

connects to the tibial tuberosity

intersects with the anococcygeal ligament and wall of the anal canal

laterally rotates the arm

muscles of the hip, thigh, leg, and foot

supports pelvic viscera and forms the anal and vaginal sphincters

connects to the femur

control of intra-abdominal pressure

found in the hip bones

extends the knee

pulls the shoulder girdle forwards and downwards

muscle concerned with movements

located between ribs 3 and 5

muscles located in the scapula

allows muscles to manipulate objects

large and strong

laterally rotates the femur

abducts the hip

intersected with the sternum

found in the femur

muscles of the female pelvic floor

muscle acting on the scapula

increase abdominal pressure

muscles that control the arm