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1. Teddy Roosevelt
2. William Howard Taft
3. Woodrow Wilson

Started the Children's Bureau to stop child labor.

Signed Treaty to protect Pacific Seals.

Eventually supported the suffrage amendment.

Passed the Sheppard-Towner Act to help with children's health and welfare.

Broke his promise to African Americans to stop lynchings.

Disliked prejudice but though black people should be only farmers.

Created the Federal Reserve to regulate US economy.

Was a vice president.

Negotiated a Square Deal during a 1902 coal strike.

Passed the Clayton Act that protected labor unions and legalized striking.

Passed a law making interracial marriage illegal in Washington DC.

Started his own political party.

Created the United States Forest Service

Busted 90 trusts. (2xs the number of TR.)

Sold 1 million acres of federal land to big business.

Used a bully pulpit to achieve his vision of America.

Passed the Mann Act to stop the white slave trafficking of women.

Busted only "bad" trusts.