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1. Weather
2. Climate

Mild temperatures throughout the year

Arizona is dry most of the time.

The highest recorded temperature for Tallahassee, FL, is 1050F in June 2011.

I had to put on a sweater today because it was cold.

The lowest recorded temperature for Tallahassee, FL, is 60F in January 1985

A big blizzard in Connecticut caused power outages across the state.

Generally cool and damp

The daily forecast for Charlotte, NC, is partly cloudy with 30% chance of rain.

The average low temperature for Tallahassee, FL, is 36°F.

A typical day in Brazil would be humid and hot.

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.

Tropical and wet

Every year, when Tim goes to Colorado for Christmas, there is plenty of snow for skiing.

Today is sunny, but tomorrow there is a 10% chance of rain.

Maria looked out her window and noticed it was a cloudy day.

Jenny’s roof sprung a leak last week because of all the rain.

In a tropical rainforest, it is very humid and rains everyday.

The average yearly rainfall in Hawaii is 78 inches.

It was cloudy and rainy all weekend.

In 2005, Hurricane Dennis hit the coast of Florida.

It is usually raining in Seattle.

The average high temp for Tallahassee, FL, is 92°F.

In looking at precipitation in the desert over time, we noticed the desert is very dry.