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The hippocampus stores ____________________ of ____________________ and responds to ____________________ hormones in the blood .
Parts of the hippocampus produce new ____________________ all through the adult life . Repeated ____________________ can slow the production of new ____________________ within the hippocampus or cause ____________________ to shrink .
The amygdala stores ____________________ ____________________ .
The amygdala affects ____________________ , ____________________ making , and ____________________ responses .
The amygdala can become ____________________ from repeated ____________________ during depression the amygdala ____________________ in activity .
A hyperactive amygdala leads to ____________________ patterns of ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ .
A hyperactive amygdala can cause other ____________________ to be secreted unnecessarily and affect the other ____________________ systems .
the prefrontal cortex has a role in the brain to determine what is ____________________ and how to ____________________ .
The prefrontal cortex helps with ____________________ regulation , ____________________ - making and ____________________ .
Basal ganglia controls ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .
The basal ganglia has a role in positive forms of ____________________ .
The basal ganglia is involved in the formation of ____________________ and routines . These areas form a key part of the brain's " ____________________ ____________________ . "
Illicit drugs over - activate the basal ganglia circuit [ producing the ____________________ of the drug high ] and with repeated exposure , the circuit adapts to the presence of the drug , ____________________ its ____________________ and making it hard to feel ____________________ from anything besides the drug .