New Activity
Play Matching Game
1. Motor Development Milestones by end 4 months
2. Motor Developmental Milestones by end 12 months
3. Motor Development Milestones by the end of 2 years

Holds bottle

Raises head and chest and support upper body with arms Kicks legs when lying on tummy or back

Pulls himself up to stand (begins to walk)

Begins to roll front to back and over

Can hold a spoon and feed himself

Craws forward on belly

Bangs objects together

Uses fingers and thumb to pick up objects

Transfers objects from one hand to the other

Kicks a ball

Can remove lids from containers

Sits up without support and reaches

Begins to run

Walks alone and carries small objects

Builds towers

Claps hands

Reaches and grasps objects

Well developed sense of smell, taste, hearing, vision