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Prestige communities are also referred to as

The discourse of 'small-town' community is described as a

Aesthetic demand for particular styles tends to

Foreign place name give signification to a place and suggest that they are

The entrepreneurial city is a phenomenon of

The function of the gate in prestige communities is

The function of the gate in lifestyle communities is

Constructing niceness in Chinese suburbia is achieved through

The issue with gated Chinese developments is not the gating, but

The term 'bourgeois utopia' refers to

Branding is used as a status symbol and to

Reasons for packaging and branding are

ideal images of the good life.

a mixture of foreign and indigenous elements.

communitarian trap.

aesthetization and neoliberal (sub)urbanism.

exploit the common social mentality.

Westernization and evolving into a highly decorative form.

more symbolic.

established communities.

purified communities.

privatize public space.

to construct niceness, and market competition.

to define the boundary of services.