New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game

You can use will to give ____________________ or ____________________ about the future .
It ____________________ be expensive to travel around Europe .
The baby ____________________ keep us busy !
I'll ____________________ 65 in June .
It ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ easy to find a job .

You can use may and might ( or will * ) to show you are not 100% sure about the future .
I may ____________________ ____________________ for a master's degree .
I might ____________________ ____________________ able to afford it .
We'll ____________________ take some time off from work .
Maybe we'll ____________________ to Arizona .
* Use will with expressions like I guess , I think , maybe , and probably .

Avoid will to talk about ____________________ or ____________________ already made . Use the present continuous or going to .
I'm ____________________ to Europe next year . I'm ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Paris .