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1 The study of snow and ice and their physical properties.
2 All processes causing decrease in the amount of frozen ice. Its the sum of melting, evaporating, sublimating and calving.
3 An island of bedrock or mountain protruding above the surface of a glacier, an ice sheet or icefield.
4 A process by which ice blocks break away from the front of a glacier, under the influence of gravity. Icebergs and growlers are created as a result.
5 A mass of floating ice that has broken off from the front of a glacier or ice shelf and slipped into the ocean.
6 A part of the longitudinal profile of the glacier that moves over a steep drop, faster than rest of the ice.
7 The material (usually soil and rock) transported by a glacier and then deposited.
8 A piece of ice that breaks off from icebergs, glaciers and shelf ice. It is floating in open water, and might be an obstacle for small boats.
9 An amphitheatre-like valley formed by glacial erosion, when snow is accumulated.
10 A measure of surface reflectivity; in case of Earth, it says how much sunlight (energy) is reflected back to space.
11 A traditional shelter of Inuit people in Greenland and Arctic, made of blocks of hard snow.