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Animals, Birds and Insects

"Birds, Animals or Insects Linking Elements" is a fun and educational game designed for students to learn more about different species of birds, animals, and insects. In this game, 12 names of birds, animals, and insects will be presented on the screen. When a student clicks on any name, it will appear whether it is an animal, a bird, or an insect.

Once the group name appears, students will have to select the remaining three elements of the group. For example, if the first name selected is "Bald Eagle," and it is determined that it is a bird, the student will then have to select the remaining three birds from the list of 12. Once all four birds are selected, the game will move on to the next set of four names, and the process repeats.

The objective of the game is to select all 12 elements (four birds, four animals, and four insects) by clicking on the names and correctly identifying them as birds, animals, or insects. This game helps students to learn more about different species of birds, animals, and insects while also improving their identification and classification skills.
Biology K5 birds animals insects Recommended age: 5 years old
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