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Practice test 1 Part 6

You are going to read an article about the damaging environmental efect of plastic. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Chose from the sentences A-G the one wisch fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra which you do not need to use.

"A Campaigns to encourage green behaviour and responsible choices are bringing some success, but this is not enough."

"B Drinks bottles and plastic shopping bags are good examples of this."

"C However, it is not only the plastic itself which causes the damage."

"D Whenever the occasion arises, set an example to other people by following some of the advice suggested in this article."

"E Most of this is unnecessary and only exists to attract shoppers, but we cannot go on indefinitely with this practice."

"F Secondly, we should try to buy food like fruit and vegetables without plastic packaging."

"G The millions of tons of plastic bags, bottles and other rubbish in our oceans leak poisonous substances as they decompose, threatening humans and sea life."

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