Tonos relativos vecinos (II)
Clica sobre cualquier tonalidad, el programa te indicará de qué tonalidad debes buscar los demás tonos relativos vecinos.
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About Matching
lenguaje musical
1356 times made
Created by

Marcelo Gálvez Jiménez
Top 10 results
2Miguel Martinez01:17time100score
3lucía Alonso01:19time100score
4Fernando Aroca Aguilar01:20time100score
5Aurora Sánchez01:26time100score
7Japer Engui Aleg01:53time100score
8Valentina García02:06time100score
9jose antonio isael rogel albarran02:49time100score
10Alvaro RR Ramos02:55time100score
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