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Suicidal Act



Risk Factors

Protective Factors

Suicidal Behavior

Imminent Risk

Suicide attempt survivors

Suicide survivors

Suicidal Ideation

Death from injury, poisoning, or suffocation where there is evidence that a self-inflicted act led to the person’s death.

Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one due to suicide. Sometimes this term is also used to mean suicide attempt survivors.

Self-reported thoughts of engaging in suicide-related behavior.

A spectrum of activities related to thoughts and behaviors that include suicidal thinking, suicide attempts, and completed suicide.

A term that encompasses suicidal thoughts, ideation, plans, suicide attempts, and completed suicide.

Factors that make it less likely that individuals will develop a disorder, they may encompass biological, psychological or social factors in the individual, family and environment.

Individuals who have survived a prior suicide attempt.

Factors that make it more likely that individuals will develop a disorder, they may encompass biological, psychological or social factors in the individual, family and environment.

A potentially self-injurious behavior with a nonfatal outcome, for which there is evidence that the person intended to kill himself or herself.

A situation where a person’s current risk status is believed to indicate actions that could lead to his or her suicide.