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After meeting the man of her dreams online, Sarah realized she would have to __________________ to Chicago since that is where he lived.

Google maps showed me the _________ to take from my house in St. Louis to my new job in O'Fallon.

Science museums are created for the ________________________ of new technology and scientific discovery.

After moving around the country many times, Susie's family decided to ____________ in Missouri and make a home there.

In the television series, the spaceship set off on a ten-year ________________ to explore new planets and meet new life forms.

While I do not mind following reasonable orders on occasion, I am NOT ____________________, and I will not do everything I am told.

Since the bright McDonald's sign was high in the air and close to my house, it would __________ me home on dark nights.

Because of safety rules, everyone who entered the government building had to _____________ metal detectors.