New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . If it ____________________ tomorrow , I ____________________ ____________________ my waterproof .
2 . I ____________________ wear a short , if it weren't ____________________ .
3 . If I ____________________ in the beach , I ____________________ wear my ____________________ .
4 . The plane would ____________________ taken off , if it hadn´t ____________________ foggy .
5 . I ____________________ wear sunscreen , if it were ____________________ .
6 . If the day ____________________ frozen , I would like to ____________________ a tea .
7 . My shoes wouldn't ____________________ ____________________ wet , if it ____________________ rained .
8 . If it ____________________ snowing , I ____________________ go to sky .
9 . I would ____________________ bougth an umbrella , if it ____________________ rained .
10 . If ____________________ it's sunny , I will ____________________ a dress .