New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

The patient is admitted to the emergency department, having suffered frostbite to the hands, which are grayish-white in color. What action should the nurse implement when attempting to warm the hands?

A nurse is assessing victims in an emergency situation. What will the nurse assess for first?

The patient arrived at the emergency department in pain and bleeding profusely with the following vital signs: BP 78/54, P 112, RR 32. What does the nurse recognize that these symptoms indicate?

A nurse assesses an accident victim who has bright red blood spurting from a laceration on his left forearm. What are interventions the nurse should do to stop the bleeding?

The nurse is assessing a patient who is severely bleeding and at risk for hypovolemic shock. What can the nurse anticipate?

When other methods have failed to stop the bleeding and the victim’s life is in danger, the rescuer at the scene applies a tourniquet to a young woman’s leg above the knee. What is another step that is essential for the rescuer to follow?

The nurse is assisting a victim of an accident who requires bandaging of the right lower extremity. What should the nurse do when applying the bandage?

A patient who had taken a poisonous substance is brought to the emergency department. What is the first action the nurse should take?

CPR has been initiated at an accident site. When can CPR be terminated?

A visitor in the hospital slips and falls. The patient’s arm appears dislocated and the visitor is unable to move it. What is the first action the nurse should implement?

The nurse arrives on the scene of a fire. What is the first thing the nurse will do for a burn victim?

The Good Samaritan law will protect all people who offer assistance. What is necessary for this protection?

A farm worker who has been kicked in the stomach by a mule passes a foul, black, tarry stool. What is this called?

A machinist visits the industrial nurse’s clinic with a deep laceration of the thigh. What should be the nurse’s first action?

When assessing the adult victim for pulselessness, the CPR rescuer should palpate the most reliable and accessible pulse. Which pulse will be palpated?

Arterial bleeding is characterized by the spurting of bright red blood and can be controlled by direct pressure, elevation, and indirect pressure on the appropriate pressure point. The brachial artery is the closest pressure point to the injury.

Wrap the hands in hot, moist towels.

Abnormal breathing

Circulatory shock


The nurse should immediately call the poison control center

The tips of the toes should remain exposed to assess circulation

The person acts prudently

The burn should be cooled immediately to stop the burning process.

Cool, pale, clammy skin , Rapid, , shallow breathing ,Weak, thready pulse


Never release the tourniquet

The nurse should splint the arm where it lies and not attempt to move or rearrange the limb.

Wash the laceration with an antiseptic

Paramedics arrive.