New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Use real ____________________ in play activities .
Connect play to the five ____________________ .
Implement ____________________ for the youngest children . They are predictable and may be highly useful with developing ____________________ .

Children learn best by ____________________ . Allow them to actively ____________________ with a variety of things in their environments , including books , people , games , and objects .
____________________ questions while children are engaged in daily routines and allow them to come up with their own ideas .
Point out ____________________ things and encourage children to ____________________ you about those things .

Concrete operational
Create timelines , three dimensional ____________________ , science experiments , and other ways to manipulate ____________________ concepts .
Use brain teasers and riddles to foster ____________________ thinking .
Focus on ____________________ - ended questioning .

Formal operational
Offer step - by - step ____________________ of concepts and utilize ____________________ and other visual aids .
Explore ____________________ situations . You may relate them to current events or social issues .
____________________ concepts whenever possible . For example , if talking about the Civil War , discuss other issues that have divided the country since that time .