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What are some long-term effects of smoking?

What is in the “smoke” from a JUUL or other vape device?

What are some things that might influence a young person to start vaping or using other tobacco products?

Why is it dangerous to experiment with vaping or other tobacco products?

Does using a JUUL or other vape device make someone more likely to start smoking tobacco?

What percent of current adult tobacco smokers started smoking before age 18?

Why is it so hard to quit using nicotine?

What are some health effects of secondhand smoke?

Cigarette smokers have a greater chance of getting lung cancer and many other types of cancer. They also are at higher risk for heart disease, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smokers are expected to live 10 years less than nonsmokers.

Using nicotine affects a person’s health right away. Teens’ brains are still growing, so nicotine from tobacco products can cause more damage. Young people often get addicted faster than adults. They have a harder time quitting. Some serious, life-threatening lung problems have been linked to vaping.

Many people incorrectly believe vaping devices produce water vapor, when in fact they contain aerosols with particles that are inhaled into the lungs and also sent out into the environment. Aerosols produced by the chemicals in vaping juice enter the users lungs unfiltered and leave chemical residue behind.

Yes. Young adults who use e-cigarettes are actually more than four times as likely to begin smoking tobacco within 18 months as their peers who don’t vape.

Cigarette smokers, smokeless tobacco users and people who vape are addicted to nicotine, and nicotine is a powerful drug. Research suggests it may take as many as 30 attempts for a smoker to actually quit.

Friends who vape, smoke or use smokeless tobacco; parents or other adult role models who vape, smoke or use smokeless tobacco; advertising from the tobacco industry designed to appeal to young people; thinking that more of their peers smoke or vape than actually do.

Breathing problems; sore eyes, nose and throat; ear infections; more severe asthma; lung cancer; heart disease.
