New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Struggle between World of Imagination and World of Reason

Dangerous Knowledge

Fear of Machines

Madness - Your own or others


Rational vs Irrational

Sublime Nature

Power of Ancestral Sins

Danger of Science

Powerful Secrets

Fear of going insane or trouble distinguishing between fiction and nonfiction.

A character's madness may reveal a darker reality. Insane characters often speak truths that normal characters wish to deny.

Nature is awesome - an anti-depressant!

Otherworldly elements: ghosts, aliens, witches, etcetera

The fear that machines will overtake us.

Actions that cursed future generations or the fear that they will.

Keeping secrets involves lack of trust, lies of omission, and outright lies.

People playing God

Difference between what is real and what is not.

Knowing how to do something that maybe probably/shouldn't be done