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Sonia visited a salon owned by a family from a certain country. She felt that they were rude to her, and now she thinks all people from that country are rude.

Mariko made a mistake during her class speech. Now, she thinks her speech was horrible, and she feels like her speech was the worst one in the class.

Mark’s parents are getting a divorce. He thinks that this is all his fault because he has been getting into trouble lately

Jen couldn’t play in the game because she shoved another student into a locker in the hallway. She doesn’t think this is fair because the other student caused it by saying something rude to her.

Emiko’s friend did not side with her opinion during a group disagreement. She thinks her friend never has her back and always sides with everyone else.

Sergei’s teacher gave him a lot of praise and encouragement in art class. As he was leaving the class, the teacher mentioned that Sergei should practice his sketching skills. When he got home, all he could think about was that his teacher told him he wasn’t good at sketching

Mark’s father struggles with an addiction. Mark feels like no one else knows what it’s like to have a family member with struggles like this.

Antonio’s advisor suggested that he apply for college. He decided not to because he thinks he will not be accepted

Binocular vision

Broad brush

Dark glasses

All alone

Fortune telling

Black and white thinking

Making it personal

Blame game