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Play Fill in the Blanks Game

Dear Sir / Madam ,

I am writing to express my ____________________ with your hosting plan which I contracted a
year ____________________ to host the website for my ____________________ .
When I originally signed up , I chose the basic ____________________ which you advertised for 5 . 99 euros
per month . Despite being ____________________ with your service throughout the year , I notice that you
have upgraded me to your ? plus ? plan which costs 10 . 99 euros per month without ____________________
me , and you have deducted this amount from my ____________________ card without my ____________________ . As
a result , I am now ____________________ nearly double for extra ____________________ that I don ? t even need .
Furthermore , I notice that you are currently offering an even ____________________ starter plan on your
website which ____________________ 3 . 99 euros per ____________________ . Surely I should have been informed of the
____________________ before you switched the plan ?
While I appreciate the fact that it is common ____________________ to offer cheap rates as an incentive
to new customers , I find it ____________________ that a company would increase a recurring fee
and impose an upgrade ____________________ consulting the client first .
I look forward to your reply and to some ____________________ of this matter .
Yours faithfully ,

Ivor Grudg e