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Stinging nettle is an edible plant with poisonous features. The plant produces small, fluffy, white flowers. it is the plant's tiny, sharp hairs that are poisonous and cause itching. The root, stem, and leaves are edible and are actually used for medicinal purposes. You can run the root of the plant along the skin rash.

Bladderworts are flowering, carnivorous plants that grow in shallow water. The trap resides under water where there is a shut door with bristles. When the bristles are triggered, the door opens and the inflow of water sucks the prey inside. The prey is digested within 10 minutes.

Pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that attract insects with their sweet-smelling nectar. Insects fly into their large, pitcher-shaped petals and drown in a small pool of water. They are then digested by enzymes that are secreted by the plant.

The manchineel tree is found in Florida and Central America. It grows small, apple-like fruit. All parts of the tree are poisonous to touch and digest, causing a rash, swelling, coughing, and gastrointestinal pain. The sap can even fall from the during storms causing itching for anyone who comes in contact with it.

Poison Ivy is a poisonous plant that causes an itching, blistering, swelling rash if you touch it. Poison ivy grows as a shrub or vine with solid green leaves that are arranged on the stem in groups of three. The plant produces small yellow flowers in the spring, and the leaves turn yellow and red in the fall.

Hogweed is a poisonous plant that can grow up to 14 feet. The poison is in the sap, which is found throughout all parts of the plant. It has a disc of small white flowers and thin, fuzzy hairs along the stem. Touching this plant makes your skin unable to protect itself against UV rays, and severe burning can occur.

The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant. Stiff hairs on the inside of the plant lobes trigger the trap to shut if something touches them. The lobes stay closed for about a week while its catch is digested.

Elephant ear is a poisonous plant if ingested. The sap from the plant contains poisonous chemicals that can burn and irritate the skin. If ingested nausea, vomiting, and swelling of the throat can occur.

Poison sumac is a poisonous tree that, if touched, causes an itching, blistering rash. It usually grows in swampy areas with lots of water. The leaves grow in groups 7-13 along the red stems of the plant.

Bull nettle is an herb with poisonous, stinging hairs that can get stuck in your skin. You can use duct tape to remove the sharp hairs. The plant also has small white flowers. The roots can be used in cooking, and extracts can be used for medicinal purposes.

Sundew plants are carnivorous plants with a very sticky, dew-like substance which traps insects that climb or land on the plant. When insects get stuck in the dew, the plant wraps around them and excretes enzymes to digest the food.

Butterworts are carnivorous plants with bright flowers and very sticky leaves. The smell of the leaves attracts spiders and insects. When an insect touches a leaf, it gets stuck. The leaf closes around the insect until it is digested.

Poison Oak is a poisonous plant that causes an itching, blistering rash if you touch it. The itching is caused by an oil in the plant called urushiol. Poison Oak grows as a shrub or vine with leaves shaped similar to oak tree leaves, but the leaves are arranged on the stem in groups of three.

Rafflesia is a carnivorous plant and the largest flower in the world. It only blooms for about a week, but when it does, it emits a terrible smell that attracts flies into its huge, bowl-like opening.