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Carbon works in a ____________________ cycle , present in all ____________________ things : in the soil , in the oceans , in the atmosphere and in rocks ____________________ underground . When plants and other living things die , much of their stored carbon makes its way back to the atmosphere until new plants ____________________ and reabsorb the carbon . But over millions of years , some of the carbon stored in ____________________ trees and sea life becomes rock and some becomes ____________________ ____________________ : coal , oil and natural gas . Natural events like ____________________ ____________________ release some of the carbon trapped in rock . And human activities , like burning fossil fuels , also release some of that prehistoric carbon . Today , ____________________ release around 60 times more carbon than all the volcanoes on the planet each year . That ____________________ Earth's carbon cycle and ____________________ ____________________ in the atmosphere and oceans . Planting more trees will help , but ____________________ alone can't get us to net zero . There's only one sure way to stop global warming . We must stop releasing this ____________________ carbon into our air .