New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . The campers are back from two weeks in the ____________________ .
2 . If the ice of the Greenland ____________________ melted , sea levels would rise by six metres all around the world .
3 . This sand was dry but climbing up a 70 - metre high ____________________ ____________________ was not easy .
4 . Richard Byrd went on an ____________________ to Antarctica in 1929 and was the first man to fly to the South Pole .
5 . The fisherman set off a flare and waited for help to come .
6 . Both men's families were delighted to hear they had arrived safely and their ____________________ of waiting was now over .
7 . They put up their tents and ____________________ a fire .
8 . You can ____________________ water by boiling it .
9 . She accidentally ____________________ her finger with a needle and was bleeding .
10 . According to sport ____________________ , 7 , 000 runners took part in the latest ultramarathon in South Africa .
11 . They headed for the oasis where they ____________________ drank water and had a rest .
12 . There wasn't enough water for all of us , so we each had a ____________________ .
13 . I was out on the hill when I came upon a ____________________ of wild goats .
14 . Her angry response left us ____________________ .
15 . I jumped out of the aeroplane but unfortunately my ____________________ wouldn't open .
16 . Robin's 16 - hour ordeal ended when a rescue team heard his ____________________ .
17 . Three skiers are reported missing after yesterday's ____________________ .
18 . There was a sudden ____________________ of rain , which only lasted a few minutes , but it was enough to flood the region .
19 . It was foggy , ____________________ was poor , and we had to drive at 20 kilometres per hour .
20 . She was ____________________ when her son was seriously injured in a skiing accident .
21 . It was very ____________________ of them to go camping without checking the weather forecast first .
22 . He insisted on taking part in the race despite his health problems - he's so ____________________ !
23 . If you want to take up ____________________ , you must be good at climbing and tying ropes .
24 . Responsibility and confidence are important character ____________________ for expedition leaders .