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David Gorske , 57 , has eaten his 25 , 000th Big Mac . It ? s
been 39 years since he first ate a burger . At the age of 19 he had
already eaten his first 1 , 000 burgers and he really liked them .
He thought : ? How ____________________ will I be before I reach 10 , 000 ? "
During a celebration that some friends ____________________ in his name , he
said he would ____________________ to eat burgers until he died .
Mr . Gorske ____________________ he can eat a burger in 16 bites and
registers the food he eats on calendars . He appeared in the 2004
documentary film ? Super Size Me ? , ____________________ looks at the effects
of eating McDonald ? s food daily .
Every week , he goes to the restaurant and ____________________ six burgers
on Monday and eight on Thursday and keeps them frozen in his
____________________ until he is ready to eat . Doctors noted that they do not
recommend Mr . Gorske's ____________________