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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Let me tell you how I met your grandfather .
It was 1995 ; I was working as a secretary in a law firm that was well known for never having ____________________ a case . I usually worked from Monday to Friday , and I was free on weekends . Those days , I ____________________ my friends for a coffee , went to museums , or just walked in Central Park ; I always liked to walk under the trees . I had to walk home one day because I ____________________ the last bus to my district .
One day , I was walking in the park , and that's when I ____________________ him for the first time . It all started when he touched my shoulder and said , " I think you ____________________ your keys " I was surprised because I didn ? t notice when my keys fell out of my bag . In gratitude , I bought him an ice cream because it was the only thing he let me give him . We were inseparable after that first " date " . Your grandpa ____________________ a photo that day ; it is one of my favorite photos of us together . I remember we both ____________________ a cold because it was freezing that day .
Every weekend , he ____________________ me to different places ; the Empire State Building , a classic bus tour through the city , the Statue of Liberty or sometimes we just ____________________ coffee in the place where we met . We always ____________________ a good time together . At this point , I felt like I had ____________________ your grandfather for a long time .
One day , your grandfather told me that he had to leave the country because he had been offered a job in London , an opportunity he couldn't reject . We ____________________ in touch by letters ; I have them all in that drawer on the right . Even though I talked to him almost every day , I ____________________ him a lot , so I decided to go to London with him . I left my house and drove to the airport . I ____________________ a plane to London , and once we were together , we decided we would never be separated again and start a family there .
We promised to be together and have ____________________ our promise until this day .