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Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . Asian sales account for 15% of the company ? s ____________________ ( liikevaihto ) .
2 . Finance ____________________ ( rahoitustuotto ) grew 16 . 2% due to the continued growth of the company ? s leasing portfolio .
3 . The company will focus on maintaining strict control over ____________________ costs ( liiketoiminnan kulut ) in the next financial year .
4 . The company plans to cut its ____________________ costs ( henkilöstökulut ) by 5 % .
5 . The company made only a small ____________________ ( voitto ) for the year , after losing money in the second half .
6 . Costs and expenses in this financial year have exceeded revenue and the bottom line , therefore , shows a ____________________ ( tappio ) .
7 . A company with a higher profit ____________________ ( kate ) than its competitor is more efficient .
8 . Cost - cutting and strong sales helped ABC Local Ltd . return to ____________________ ( kannattavuus ) in the recent quarter .