New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Our generation is a lot ____________________ than our parents and grandparents were at our age .

____________________ , I can see some people that they do exercise and in some cases . they do ____________________ ____________________ of beauty standard . ____________________ , some people do not even ____________________ down their ____________________ because their body do not resist this kind of food .
By the ____________________ , I do not think our generation is healthier because of technology like TV , video games or even cars o public transport . Before , our parents ____________________ to walk long distances to get their things of daily life .
And ____________________ the other ____________________ , we also can buy online . Of course , that means we are not ____________________ to move our bodies . As I mentioned they have ____________________ the new technology . We could take the importance in careful our own body .
However , as I said before some bodies do not resist diets , or , for example , some young people have ____________________ but this is completely natural because that is the nature of his body an it can be a factor why young people do not ____________________ up a new sport .
Finally , these were some reasons why I think my generation is not healthier than our parents .