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The United States ____________________ Guam on June 21 , 2898 during the Spanish - American War . The ____________________ government was removed from Guam . An interregnum period was a time of uncertainty and chaos . Germany purchases the NMI and the Caroline Islands from Spain . This resulted in the political partition of Guam and the ____________________ .

Fritz corrected land records that had been tampered with during the ____________________ . He surveyed public and private lands and issued land registrations . ____________________ were not allowed to own land . To increase productivity , Fritz ordered people to use their land or lose it . ____________________ and tax holidays were offered to Guam Chamorros who agreed to move to the NMI . This helped increase the ____________________ and the work force of the NMI .

____________________ owned most of the private businesses and held almost all the wealth , other than land . The Chamorros built houses similar to those on ____________________ . They spoke Spanish , understood the law and practiced the Catholic religion . They wore clothes made of cloth imported from the ____________________ , just as they had in Guam . Many had guns and hunted deer , wild pigs and other animals in the jungle .

The Carolinians had ____________________ most of their old customs since their arrival in the NMI in the early 1800's . They made ____________________ for men who still wore loincloths and the women wore lavalavas . They continued to perform their traditional dances and songs . Carolinians ____________________ earlier and , generally , had more children than Chamorros .

Fritz established a locally conscripted ____________________ and free , compulsory public education , bringing the Chamorros and Carolinians into regular contact with each other . Carolinians were forced to learn Chamorro in school . The ____________________ language was forbidden . Everyone was now required to learn German . Many Chamorros learned how to read and write in German and traveled to other islands to work .

Improving public ____________________ conditions was a ____________________ priority for Fritz . New sources were discovered for drinking water . More babies survived and people lived longer . The people were vaccinated against small ____________________ .

At the beginning of the German administration , Saipan and Rota had ____________________ economies . People traded tobacco , rice and other commodities for what they needed . Fritz tried to create a cash economy . He urged people to exchange their old Spanish ____________________ for German marks . Copra was the main export commodity of the NMI . Japanese traders controlled most of the imports that arrived at Saipan , and took away copra and other products when they headed back to Japan . Fritz encouraged copra production on both small ranches and on large plantations . Unfortunately , his efforts were often frustrated and progress was impeded by ____________________ .

In 1907 , the German administration lost interest in its plans for the economic development of the NMI . Saipan was ____________________ from a district to a station , and then ____________________ administratively with the district office for the western Caroline Islands at Yap . Although education and health care continued to improve , little else happened in the NMI after George Fritz left . The story of this individual , George Fritz , demonstrates how one , strong , dedicated person can effect a ____________________ .