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The wheel was invented

Thomas Edison invented

Edward Jenner invented

Orville and Wilbur Wright invented

Alexander Graham Bell invented

The PENICILLIN was discvered by

Tim Berners-Lee


Guglielmo Marconi invented

Johannes Gutenberg invented

ivnented the Internet

from glasses to microscopes and telescopes, optical lenses have greatly expanded the possibilities of our vision. They have a long history, first developed by ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians, with key theories of light and vision contributed by Ancient Greeks.


by the Mesopotamians around 3500 B.C., to be used in the creation of pottery. About 300 years after that, the wheel was put on a chariot and the rest is history

the airplane

The telephone

The Printing Press

The radio

The elecric bulb (light)

the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928