New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Let's talk about the time for ____________________ ____________________ the website . We want it in a month's time . That's the end of July .
It's a bit early . I was hoping to have ____________________ months to do the job . If I finish in ____________________ month , will you agree to ____________________ the number of pages ?
Yes , that's no problem . Just do the best you can . Our ____________________ is to have the website up and running as soon as possible .
Ok then , agreed

Now about payment . You want to ____________________ us 50 dollars an hour . That ____________________ ____________________ at 400 dollars a day , I believe .
Yes , that's the normal ____________________ for the job .
Well , we'd prefer to pay you a ____________________ ____________________ for the work . We can offer you US$6 , 000 .
I see . Do you mind if I ask you why you want to pay that way ?
Well , you see , that way we can control the ____________________ of the project . If we pay ____________________ ____________________ , the cost could become high . It could get out of control . This way , we know where we ____________________ .
I see . US$6 , 000 . Mmm , that could be all right , I suppose , as long as I get some money ____________________ ____________________ . How about paying me half when I start the work and half at the end ?
Yes , I think we could ____________________ that . Ok . I agree to that .