New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
1 . ____________________ you like English ?
2 . ____________________ he ____________________ football ?
3 . ____________________ they read ____________________ ?
4 . ____________________ do the ____________________ ____________________ to school ?
5 . Why ____________________ you smoke ?
6 . ____________________ ____________________ teacher check your ____________________ ?
7 . What ____________________ ____________________ Bill ____________________ ____________________ in the morning ?
8 . Do ____________________ ____________________ milk ?
9 . ____________________ ____________________ your father live ?
10 . ____________________ ____________________ Max sell ?
11 . Does ____________________ ____________________ do the shopping ?
12 . When ____________________ we meet ?
13 . ____________________ Fred ____________________ computer games ?
14 . How ____________________ cups of coffee ____________________ the girls ____________________ in the morning ?
15 . ____________________ ____________________ rain a lot in England ?