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What Is Python ?
Python is an ____________________ - source , ____________________ - purpose programming language ? which means that you can use Python for almost everything . There are some obvious Python uses like web development ( with the Django ____________________ ) and scientific programming ( the language has numerous ____________________ to help with ____________________ calculations ) . But Python can also be used in much more surprising ____________________ like air traffic control and game ____________________ .
Even though Python was ____________________ in the early nineties ? in ____________________ , to be precise ? it's being used in many modern ____________________ . It's one of the most recommended programming languages for ____________________ science and ____________________ learning ? two domains that have been ____________________ in the last few years .
All of this proves Python's great ____________________ and ____________________ , as the language can be successfully used in domains that are very different from each other , like art and medicine .