New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
All animals can ____________________ and ____________________ , but they're ____________________ in many amazing ways . Here we look at how they are the same and how they are different . This helps us put them into ____________________ .

All birds have two legs , two ____________________ , and ____________________ , and most birds can ____________________ . The wings and feathers help them fly and the ____________________ help keep them ____________________ . Birds ____________________ ____________________ with hard shells . They keep the baby birds inside safe from animals that want to eat them .

Fish have ____________________ to help them ____________________ in water . ____________________ all over their bodies help keep them safe from ____________________ fish that want to bite them . They don ? t have ____________________ , but their ____________________ and tails help them swim . Fish lay their eggs in water , and their eggs are ____________________ .

Amphibians are very interesting because they can live on ____________________ and in ____________________ . Amphibians need to have ____________________ skin , so they live in wet places . They ____________________ their soft eggs in water . They have ____________________ when they ? re young and the gills help them ____________________ in water . Most amphibians , like frogs , have legs that help them walk and jump on land .

Some mammals live on ____________________ and some live in ____________________ . ____________________ are water mammals , and cats , rabbits , and lions are land mammals . Hair or ____________________ covers most land mammals ? bodies and this helps keep them ____________________ . People are mammals too ! Mammals don ? t lay eggs . Their babies drink ____________________ from their ____________________ .