New Activity
Play Matching Pairs

Imitate adult actions, speak and understand word and ideas, experiment with objects, walks steadily, climb stairs and run, recognize ownership of objects, develop friendships, solve problems, show pride in accomplishments, begin pretend play.

Smiles, develops preference generally to parents and older siblings, repeat actions, listen intently and responds when spoken to, imitate sounds, put objects in mouth, sit when propped, rolls over, grabs objects without using thumb.

"Terrible twos", frustration and tantrums, sometimes resists change, washes and dry hands, potty trained, helps with bathing and dressing, uses short sentences, ask questions, follows compound commands.

Explores environment, holds own bottle, responds to "no", responds to name, repeats sounds and words such as "mama" or "dada"

Identify themselves, body parts and familiar voices, understand their name and other common words, say first meaningful words, explore objects and find hidden objects, sit alone, pull themselves up to stand and walk.

Begin to smile, track people and objects with their eyes, prefer faces and bright colors, turns toward sounds, discover feet and hands.


Wants to help and be praised for it, seeks adults and peer approval, express basic feelings about self and others, dresses self, learning table manners, recites poems and sing songs from memory, uses complex sentences.

Talks intelligently to self, sings nursery rhymes, can engage in conversation, asks many questions, uses longer and more varied sentences, understand children's stories, begin to be responsible for dressing.

Respects authority, independent in dressing, eating and bathing, participate in group activities, language continues to develop

Puts on shoes with assistance, can feed self, demonstrates jealousy, expresses affection, uses two-word sentences, understand concepts such as "soon" or "later"

Baby drinks from a sip/spout cup, imitates house work, feeds self with a spoon with little spilling, potty training begins, uses 10 - 15 single words, pronunciation of words is often unclear, communicates by pointing and saying a word, responds to simple commands.

Crying to convey needs, baby coos, baby turns head to the direction of sounds

0 - 2 Years

2 -3 months

1 -2 Years

12 - 18 months

7 - 12 months

4 - 6 months

7 - 12 months

0 - 6 months

Birth to 3 months


18 - 24 months

4 - 5 Years

3 - 4 Years