New Activity
Play Fill in the Blanks Game
Hi , Carlos
I hope you are okay !
I ____________________ really exciting that you accepted to be my friend .

____________________ am going to tell you about my likes and hobbies . I am a really simple person .
I ____________________ candies , fast food , coca cola , etc . But my mom ____________________ let me eat these things with frequency because could be dangerous for ____________________ . ____________________ you like music ? I ____________________ listening ____________________ music , and dance and sing . My favourite thing ____________________ do when I ____________________ alone is dancing several things . I practice volleyball in the afternoon and , at school , ____________________ am learning how to play piano , so exciting .
Now I want ____________________ know about you . ____________________ you practice any sport ? ____________________ you play any instrument ? What ____________________ you do in the afternoon ? What would you ____________________ to learn ?

Love , Anne .